David Rasnick photo

Areas of Expertise: AIDS, arthritis, cancer, proteases in emphysema and parasites, drug design, clinical diagnostics.

Things I’m proud of: The chromosomal imbalance (aneuploidy) theory of cancer: the most comprehensive, productive, and satisfying explanation of cancer—all cancers.

Invented DATE Analysis.pdf, the first quantitative theory of biological change. DATE comes from Differentiation, Adaptation, Transformation, Evolution. It is an extension of my theoretical work on the aneuploidy theory of cancer.

Participated as a member of The Presidential AIDS Advisory Panel of South Africa initiated by President Thabo Mbeki.

Synthesized the first peptidyl-fluoromethanes. These molecules are biologically stable inhibitors of cysteine proteases used around the world in the development of therapies for the tissue-destroying diseases of arthritis, cancer, and parasites, among others.

Founded several biotech companies.

Short Bio


Germ of Lies by David Rasnick
Directed Cancer Therapy Does More Harm Than Good
Immune System, Unleashed by Cancer Therapies, Attacks Organs

David Rasnick, PhD


The Tyranny of Dogma

CV & Publications




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The Chromosomal Imbalance Theory of Cancer by David Rasnick

Controversial HIV FIlm Takes

Prestigious Award at New York Film Festival


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Inventing and Weaponizing AIDS

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The Breakdown of Nations

Out of Kilter

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